What are your top pet peeves about iPhone whether it be software or hardware?

My number one issue is when I am on a phone call and I want to use other apps. The damn hang-up button is right where you need to swipe up to open the phone or to go to the Home Screen. I hang up the call often on accident :frowning:

Next one is badge app icons. If you have a conversation muted, let’s say in Messages or Facebook Messenger, you’ll still get badge app icons, which is super annoying when you have group texts and people you want to silence when all you want to see are badge app icons for new messages that AREN’T muted. You see a badge app icon, and your instinct is to find out what you are being notified for.

Lack of proper file navigation, universal back gestures, poor implementation of ProMotion, lack of 3rd party app stores, and Siri still being ass are my biggest reasons for moving on to the S25 Ultra when preorders become available.

Way of managing app appearance on each of the screens. At least in the old days, I could use iTunes Windows app to do this a little more easily, but still ugly.

That fucking “data is turned off” pop-up is the dumbest thing ever.

Vale said:
That fucking “data is turned off” pop-up is the dumbest thing ever.

Yea, that annoys me as it’s always telling me I have data turned off. Like fucking know.

Vale said:
That fucking “data is turned off” pop-up is the dumbest thing ever.

Dynamic Island makes it less intrusive, and I’ve found myself only getting annoyed at the pop-up instead of going blind with fury.

Stuff will randomly break with a software update, and Apple won’t get to fixing it for literally years.

Over on MacOS this really isn’t a big deal; if something important for you truly breaks, then you just roll back to a prior version.

But on an iPad or iPhone, if something mission-critical breaks… you’re fucked.

I had the same problem with the phone calls. Now I just swipe up a little more to the right side of the screen, and it also does the trick!

The black pull on the top of my screen that has zero use in 99% of apps.

No issues. I love my iPhone, and I’m so glad I did not make the switch to the S24.

I don’t care what anyone says. Any model over 3 years old slows down significantly with each software update.