Why is this forum so laggy on iPhone 16 Pro?

Sometimes it stutters so much that it’s unusable. I have to close and reopen the app to fix it. Never had this issue on my iPhone 13 Pro.

Never had that happen to me.

Haven’t noticed any issues.

I’ve seen some stuttering. Not so bad that I can’t use it, but definitely noticeable.

For me, it’s more like screen tearing than actual stuttering. I remember reading that it has to do with the app switching between 60Hz and 120Hz while scrolling.
Haven’t tested it myself, but you could check if that’s the issue.

That sounds right. The app doesn’t seem to handle frame rate changes smoothly. It just jumps between different speeds.

Yeah, looks like the app is constantly changing refresh rates.

This app is not optimized well at all. Try turning on ‘reduce animations’ in the settings. It helped a little for me after a few updates.

No issues on my 16 Pro Max.

Same thing happens to me on my 16 Pro.

Yep, I’ve had this issue too.

I’ve noticed the screen becoming unresponsive sometimes, and it seems to happen more often on this app.

Omar said:
I’ve noticed the screen becoming unresponsive sometimes, and it seems to happen more often on this app.

Yeah, it’s definitely the app, not the phone. Everything else runs perfectly fine.

For me, TikTok stutters more than this forum. Videos freeze up, but closing and reopening the app usually fixes it.

Milan said:
For me, TikTok stutters more than this forum. Videos freeze up, but closing and reopening the app usually fixes it.

Same here with this app.

Why does this iPhone make my butt look so big? It’s definitely not because I eat too many donuts.

Haven’t noticed any lag on my 16 Pro Max.

No issues here. Try reinstalling the app and make sure background refresh is on.

Not seeing any choppiness on my 16 Pro.

This forum was awful on my Pixel 9 Pro XL and S24 Ultra. But on my iPhone 16 Pro Max, it runs smooth 95% of the time.