as mentioned in title
No dont.
Wait another 18 months.
I get such a kick out of posts like these, just imagining how sheltered and scared people like this must be in every aspect of their lives.
Cass said:
No dont.
Wait another 18 months.
I get such a kick out of posts like these, just imagining how sheltered and scared people like this must be in every aspect of their lives.
Look at his response dudes too scared to even comprehend
Cass said:
No dont.
Wait another 18 months.
I get such a kick out of posts like these, just imagining how sheltered and scared people like this must be in every aspect of their lives.
yeah , like I don’t want any pro just want my phone to work.
Yes. It’s a good idea to update on a regular basis for security reasons alone
Pip said:
Yes. It’s a good idea to update on a regular basis for security reasons alone
iOS 17 still gets security updates when they’re needed
Wynn said:
any drawbacks or con ?
As someone who is on iOS 18 along with my entire family, bro just update.
I don’t notice any more battery drain, I don’t notice any less battery drain, iOS just gets laggy sometimes but as long as you restart the phone once in a while you’ll be fine.
And yes I have ‘Apple intelligence’ enabled. I can confirm it’s useless but at the very least doesn’t drain a noticeable amount of battery more than default iOS 17 with Siri.
ok , bro thanks.
Why ask a question if you’ll just bitch at people’s responses?
Please edit the title to: hey everyone I’m differed, plz give me attention
Wil said:
Why ask a question if you’ll just bitch at people’s responses?
Please edit the title to: hey everyone I’m differed, plz give me attention
go somewhere else. I don’t want attention just honest review.