any solution for the reflection?
The flare was much an issue with the IP13 series, was a lens issue. Shouldn’t be much of a problem on the successors of the 13 series. Clean the lens.
Your lens cover needs to be cleaned. Clean it with something you know is clean. Use moisture, and again: make sure whatever you use to wipe it with is actually clean. Make sure your hands are clean too: no lotion, no sweating, no food grease/oil, etc.
This is what I see through my prescription glasses when I’ve cleaned them with something that needs to be washed. So basically, your lens covers have a very thin film of something on them. Whatever you’re cleaning them with isn’t clean. Basically, your lens covers aren’t squeaky-clean.
Greasy finger… Your lens is dirty. Try some cleaning liquid and clean wipe. I know you going to say they cleaned but in a serious photography objective grade style…
It’s a style. People pay thousands of dollars for anamorphic lenses
Kerr said:
It’s a style. People pay thousands of dollars for anamorphic lenses
On a serious note, clean the lens
Kerr said:
It’s a style. People pay thousands of dollars for anamorphic lenses
On a serious note, clean the lens
its super cleaned
Weird but it’s kinda cool. I never have this and definitely not from that distance.
It’s not a reflection, it’s a lens flare, and no, it’s not really possible to completely eliminate it especially on a iPhone. A high end DSLR with special lenses can nearly eliminate lens flare, but not always.
You do mean the reflection line? That‘s a dirty lense.
Harlow said:
You do mean the reflection line? That‘s a dirty lense.
nah mean its clean, i checked
Harlow said:
You do mean the reflection line? That‘s a dirty lense.
nah mean its clean, i checked
Clean it with some pads for glasses or so. Fat is persistant.