Is this normal?

How can I free up space from Safari? I don’t think it should be 22 GB but if I’m wrong then please correct me. I don’t know if this is normal or something went wrong with Safari. If you have any tips I would gladly listen to them! Thanks :raised_hands:t6:

Clear browser history?

Clear download folder?

What does it tell you when you click on it?

Luca said:
Clear browser history?

Clear download folder?

What does it tell you when you click on it?

I cleared everything, basically all I could save up is a few megabytes. It doesn’t say anything, but I will have another look at it.

Cocaine picture right here

Ok I need to ask this to you, why instead of “.” there’s a “,” instead on your number of GB?

Riley said:
Ok I need to ask this to you, why instead of “.” there’s a “,” instead on your number of GB?

Most of Europe uses the comma for decimal separator and the dot for group separator.

Ok so one of the many things that we Brits don’t do the European way. Is there a reason for this difference or is it just a regional thing people just don’t question?

Riley said:
Ok so one of the many things that we Brits don’t do the European way. Is there a reason for this difference or is it just a regional thing people just don’t question?

Oh another thing I notice is this is in English so I’m wondering now which version of it, as at least the main ones don’t do it this way.

I think I need another red circle

It’s more than likely just cached data. Since iOS doesn’t have a good way to clear cache, the only way is to uninstall and reinstall.