Is there a keyboard for iOS that adds numbers behind long presses of the top row of letters?

The same SwiftKey app that I’ve been using on Android seems to be missing that feature on iOS. Is there an iOS keyboard that has this functionality?

Welcome to the suckage that is the keyboard in iOS. Here’s to hoping that someone has an answer to this because I certainly haven’t found an actually good keyboard for iOS yet…

Thorn said:
Welcome to the suckage that is the keyboard in iOS. Here’s to hoping that someone has an answer to this because I certainly haven’t found an actually good keyboard for iOS yet…


Thorn said:
Welcome to the suckage that is the keyboard in iOS. Here’s to hoping that someone has an answer to this because I certainly haven’t found an actually good keyboard for iOS yet…

The keyboard is one of my least favorite things about having an iPhone.

Thorn said:
Welcome to the suckage that is the keyboard in iOS. Here’s to hoping that someone has an answer to this because I certainly haven’t found an actually good keyboard for iOS yet…

I hope you didn’t use it to write this post… /s

Yeah I know, I use it. It’s still nowhere as good as it is on Android though. But it is the “best” option for iOS so I’m stuck with it and every time I have to type something on my iPhone, I have pangs of regret for switching from Android.

Same here. Switched recently and the best IOS keyboard doesn’t hold a candle to the best Android keyboard.

Honestly, it’s day 1 for me and I’m already considering switching back when the S25 comes out.

Adair said:
Honestly, it’s day 1 for me and I’m already considering switching back when the S25 comes out.

I would say to give it time. I instantly regretted getting a 16 Pro as there’s so many “stupid” things going on with iOS compared to Android. But, as time as went on, I’ve gotten used to many of the “quirks.” Right now, it’s really only the keyboard that annoys me regularly. The rest I’ve become accustomed to. Although I do still shake my head over the decisions that Apple makes, seemingly without any understanding of how frustrating they can be for a user. Like having settings for a given app spread throughout the system… Is that setting in the app, the Apps section of Settings, or maybe even in the Accessibility section? Let’s go hunting. And no, using the Search function, while it works, is not optimal: just have all settings for a given app in one place.

Plus, if you do decide to dive more into the ecosystem it’s actually pretty awesome.

Oh shit, tysm!

Adair said:
Oh shit, tysm!

Most keys have a long press options. The “.” Allows all the other punctuations which is very handy

+1 for Google keyboard, but I hate they’ve stopped supporting it. I’m just waiting for the day I can’t use it on a new version of iOS.


If you look closely, OP is actually using SwiftKey.

This looks overcrowded. I’m glad Apple doesn’t do this.

While not a perfect solution, try tapping the 123 button and, without releasing, dragging to the desired number or symbol before releasing.

Jace said:
While not a perfect solution, try tapping the 123 button and, without releasing, dragging to the desired number or symbol before releasing.

Dawg, I didn’t know that. Thanks.

Just came to raise my hand, so you don’t feel lonely :sweat_smile: :raising_hand_man:

Jace said:
While not a perfect solution, try tapping the 123 button and, without releasing, dragging to the desired number or symbol before releasing.

Oh shit, that feels functionally identical to me, thanks! Solves a lot actually, now I can quickly access apostrophes and semi-colons again.