iPhone 15 Pro Macro Mode - Another shot of my little acquaintance

This time you can see the cute face :smile:

Nice photo and bokeh :ok_hand:

Tegan said:
Nice photo and bokeh :ok_hand:

Thank you! I was really trying to get that totally out of focus background effect to accentuate the focus

The quality of this camera and lenses really blows my mind sometimes - I reluctantly upgraded from the 13 Pro which I think was a particularly good model due to the phone being damaged, but I love the camera capabilities on the 15 Pro!

God those things scare me

Khai said:
God those things scare me

I find them so cute, except when I’m watching videos of them eating a bug’s head

Mantis I hung out with awhile ago. The Paint was dry, nothing got on him

Hayden said:
Mantis I hung out with awhile ago. The Paint was dry, nothing got on him
