I have seen people use, I think, glue and some other sticky substance. Any home remedies?
I soak the end of a Q-tip in alcohol, make it kinda squish, and roll it around in the speaker grills till everything is out.
Use a jabbing motion, then brushing motion.
Glue is for keeping cheese on a pizza, not for cleaning iPhone speakers.
Han said:
Glue is for keeping cheese on a pizza, not for cleaning iPhone speakers.
I don’t get it.
I used a toothpick carefully. Works just fine.
Saturday I learnt you can walk into our local Apple Store and ask them to clean your phone speaker.
Tate said:
Saturday I learnt you can walk into our local Apple Store and ask them to clean your phone speaker.
Tate said:
Saturday I learnt you can walk into our local Apple Store and ask them to clean your phone speaker.
Man before me asked to clean his iPhone speakers and they called someone to do it. I don’t know if they do it in every store.
I heard of T-Mobile doing that for their customers. I tried going in from ATT thinking since I had an iPhone they’d do it, but I was wrong. They only didn’t do it because I had ATT.
As someone who may or may not have worked for this company in the past, I can or cannot recommend taking a small ball of 3M sticky tack and pressing it gently but fully into the speaker ports, rubbing around it, and removing.
The other option is to scrub them softly with a disinfected or new toothbrush with a tech-safe cleaning wipe between the grill and brush. Be very cautious of using anything sharp as you may damage the speaker grill.
I don’t recommend this, but it works for me and my 14PM: I use a nail brush and hand soap and run it under the tap to rinse. I often clean the whole phone that way. It works and I get a clean phone. But I also have AppleCare, so if it breaks I can claim.