Get the iPhone 15 Pro or wait for 17 Pro

Currently I’ve got the base iPhone 16. I switched from a iPhone 14 Pro with a bad battery. The 16 is a great phone but it feels a bit laggy (could come from 60Hz) and the camera is okay I think. I will probably not going to keep the 16 for long.

I thinking about getting the 15 Pro, which I probably would use for longer, because it feels snappier and the camera is a bit better.
Or would you just wait for the 17 Pro?

I’d just hold off until September and get a 17 Pro honestly. You just got the 16 I assume. Yeah 60hz is a bummer but you’ll get used to it soon.

You guys are actually bat shit crazy. You had a 14 pro you didn’t need to get rid of …. But you did for a 16 …. Now you hate the 16 and want a 15 pro . Congratulations you’ve wasted hundreds at this point. Just keep and use your damn phone.

I’m keeping my 15 Pro for at least 4 years (unless the hardware fails for some reason).

Zinn said:
I’m keeping my 15 Pro for at least 4 years (unless the hardware fails for some reason).

I got the wife a 15pro unlocked paid cash last year and put her on a $300/yr plan. No monthly payments for her line is freaking sweet! Once the year is up going for the $180/yr plan. Bringing on even more savings. I tell ya guys, I’ll never finance a phone or pay big 3 prices ever again. Once my daughter is of age for a phone I’m doing the same.

I mean, I don’t agree with upgrading from 14 pro to base 16 but in theory they can just return it and not have wasted any money. Nothing wrong with trying something new and realizing you didn’t need it

Wait for the 17 pro na. I’m using a base 16 also coming from an S21 that had 120 Hz. I get what you mean—not laggy per se, but the screen is not as smooth or responsive as I was used to.

Quinn said:
Wait for the 17 pro na. I’m using a base 16 also coming from an S21 that had 120 Hz. I get what you mean—not laggy per se, but the screen is not as smooth or responsive as I was used to.

I immediately knew you’re pinoy based on the “na” hahaha I thought nasa ph sub ako

Omg this isn’t a PH sub pala. Idk why I assumed you were Filipino

Quinn said:
Wait for the 17 pro na. I’m using a base 16 also coming from an S21 that had 120 Hz. I get what you mean—not laggy per se, but the screen is not as smooth or responsive as I was used to.

Coming from an android 120 hz (yes even flagship) to iPhone 60 hz isn’t much big of a difference as coming from iPhones 120 hz to iPhone 60 hz is . But I will agree scrolling on android feels smoother as apple caps some app to scroll at 60

Can you explain to me how this works? I have never understood how iPhone 120hz is somehow better

Zane said:
Can you explain to me how this works? I have never understood how iPhone 120hz is somehow better

iPhones 120 hz isn’t better at all infact androids 120 hz is better for reasons I mentioned. But iPhones animations are better so it feels better most of the time unless scrolling

Yea that does make sense. iPhones do have more fluidity in everything and it’s also one of the reasons I made the switch. But people word it as ‘iPhones 60hz is better than androids 120hz’ and that threw me off coz I can definitely notice when my phone is running at 60hz

The 15 Pro has the same battery as the 14 Pro so… wait

Jesse said:
The 15 Pro has the same battery as the 14 Pro so… wait

You can buy crate keys with an iPhone 15

Bin said:

Jesse said:
The 15 Pro has the same battery as the 14 Pro so… wait

You can buy crate keys with an iPhone 15

Cow mind yr own business and fix your dang server,

whats the battery like on 15pro ? i also thought about this but i dont want to wait till September to buy a phone

Frankie said:
whats the battery like on 15pro ? i also thought about this but i dont want to wait till September to buy a phone

The battery is not perfect but it’s okay. Came from 13 pro without regrets.

how much hours do you get of use off a single charge?

Frankie said:
whats the battery like on 15pro ? i also thought about this but i dont want to wait till September to buy a phone

I can’t also wait really :joy: