Difference between 15PM and 16 Pro is $250CAD. Would you go with the 15PM as better value for 5+ years of use?

Please help - in desperate need of some advice. Is the 15PM a better long-term buy for 5 years than the 16 Pro?

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If you’re going to keep the phone for 5+ years, get the best, latest model.

Jumping on this as well, similar questions, coming from an 11. Need new phone for October and not sure if to just get a 15 or 16 pro now, or after a potential 17 announcement in September.

There’s just so little difference between the 15p and 16p idk if an extra $250 is worth?

Depends on how long you want to keep your phone. If it’s 5+ years, then I would say go with the 16 Pro. But anything less than that I would choose the 15, and plus you can replace the battery for less than $250, so yeah.

Do you like the bigger PM or the smaller Pro? I like the smaller form factor so would go with that, but obviously for me, I’d look for a used 15 Pro and save the money.

But if your question is about best value for 5+ years of use, then the newer phone will last longer – so 16 Pro.

Will it really last that much longer though?

There are battery issues with the 15PM, like it heats up while charging (which will definitely impact battery health). They have improved this with the 16Pros by changing the coating (I think) on batteries so that heat dissipation is better. So if you are using the phone for 5+ years, I suggest take the latest always…

Definitely 15PM, it is bigger so has a bigger battery, the bigger battery means more lifetime before replacement.

5 years is a long time.
But the difference between 15P and 16P is almost nothing.

The extra AI chops won’t be worth it, I think, till iPhone 17.
Just visual intelligence is new in the 16 which you can kind of work around for free with Gemini on any iPhone. Save the money. If it’s possible to wait, wait till iPhone 17.

Use that for 5+ years. AI features will be a bit fleshed out and will actually have some uses by then.

It’s an electronic device, it will break when it fails. Close your eyes, stop thinking about it, and buy the one that fits your pocket.

Peyton said:
It’s an electronic device, it will break when it fails. Close your eyes, stop thinking about it, and buy the one that fits your pocket.

Exactly, before that happens you will most likely have a new phone by then anyway. People need to relax on the long-term future proofing for phones and just not think about it.

I got a 15 Pro Max over the 16 Pro and it was probably the best decision I made.

Corey said:
I got a 15 Pro Max over the 16 Pro and it was probably the best decision I made.

How does it feel when you slap on a case? Is it hard to fit in your pocket?

Skyler said:

Corey said:
I got a 15 Pro Max over the 16 Pro and it was probably the best decision I made.

How does it feel when you slap on a case? Is it hard to fit in your pocket?

Feels good in a case and for fitting in a pocket I’ve had no issues, although if you’re putting it in your pants I’d try to tighten them just to be safe.

You need to understand that if your 15 Pro running iOS 17, it works the same as 16 Pro on iOS 18, but if you update 15 Pro to iOS 18 – your phone becomes worse in comparison with 16 Pro. They make previous phones worse every year with fresh updates.

Doing 1 iOS update from the original one that came out isn’t so bad sometimes, even 2. It’s when it hits 3-4 you definitely will notice a change in speed, especially in iPhones early years.

Phoenix said:
Doing 1 iOS update from the original one that came out isn’t so bad sometimes, even 2. It’s when it hits 3-4 you definitely will notice a change in speed, especially in iPhones early years.

Battery life, 120Hz works with freezes, etc.

Yeah, that’s why I’m keeping my iPhone 13 Pro Max on iOS 16 and my 15 Pro Max on iOS 18.

This is exactly what I did a month ago, and I don’t regret my choice.

Personally, if you can afford the 16 Pro then go for that one :100::+1:t6: