Clear Case for 16 Pro Recommendation

I got the clear Otterbox case from the Apple Store and even though it says scratch resistant, the case is scratched after a day. I just had it in my pocket.

Apple sells such trash.

What clear case do you have a good experience with?
I would like something pretty for my new white titanium 16 pro.

Apple sells such trash? It’s like saying Amazon sells trash on their website. Apple didn’t make this case bruh.

I have the clear Spigen Ultra Hybrid T on my White 16PM and love it! Magnets are strong

Iman said:
I have the clear Spigen Ultra Hybrid T on my White 16PM and love it! Magnets are strong

Thank you! It’s a good price at the moment at $19

Rhino shield non yellow and best value

Fraser said:
Rhino shield non yellow and best value

This has some cool designs!

Fraser said:
Rhino shield non yellow and best value

Im using the same :raised_hands:t3:

Fraser said:
Rhino shield non yellow and best value

I have that on my 12 pro max and its been more than 3 years no yellowing and now currently on my 16 pro max and best drop protection.

Fraser said:
Rhino shield non yellow and best value

Thought all tpu clear cases go yellow after some time?

The insignia case from Best Buy here. Probably the only thing I’d ever recommend from insignia but I’ve used this brand since my iPhone 13PM and have loved it! Translucent

The Raptic iridescent case is super cool > amazon link

Tuff 8 from Best Buy

I’m using Apple’s clear case for my 16 Pro and it’s doing pretty good for me at the moment

I got one of these solid silicone cases and my phone started scratching. I took it off before it was too late.

Zander said:
DBrand Ghost 2.0

I like that it says it doesn’t get yellow!

Scout said:

Zander said:
DBrand Ghost 2.0

I like that it says it doesn’t get yellow!

And it doesn’t scratch.

Love my casetify clear case on my 13 Pro , it scratches pretty bad though :weary: .